The works for installing public infrastructure up to the boundary of the Marijampolė FEZ land plots are being implemented in accordance with the following technical projects commissioned by UAB “Marijampolės laisvosios ekonominės zonos valdymo bendrovė” (Marijampolė Free Economic Zone Management Company, JSC), prepared by UAB “Baltic Engineers” (JSC), and coordinated with the competent authorities:
1. technical project for the relocation of 10 kV overhead lines (L-600, L-700, L-900);
2. technical project for the connection of 2.4 MW, 1.5 MW and 1.6 MW power supply to the land plots being developed for investors;
3. technical project for construction of a street (road) with roundabout (traffic circle) and associated utility networks (for storm water removal, drainage, street lighting);
4. technical project for the construction of utility networks (gas, water supply and domestic sewage, telecommunication corridors).